Secorun Evacuation is a critical tool to manage crisis situations at the facility that require starting the workers’ evacuation process from a given area. The basic functions of this product are the efficient realization of the evacuation scenarios and establishing the position of people in particular areas during an evacuation. The application allows the emergency services to immediately verify who is safe and who is at risk. It helps in planning and conducting emergency action. It’s a tool that using graphic visualizations can from one interface support the people being in a state of high stress or panic and also the facility emergency team, responsible for conducting the efficient evacuation.



“I designed the UI of the Secorun Evacuation so that at the moment of a fire alarm occurring at the facility the operator being under a lot of stress could have a maximally intuitive tool and be able to manage the situation from one screen.”


Margarita Menjega-Schmidt
UX / UI Designer





Business advantages of the Evacuation

Shortening the access time to the information about the evacuation’s state. The access to dynamically changing information about the evacuation progress in real time – continuous insight into the information about the number of people being safe and in danger.

Information served in a readable way – an intuitive workflow, application of an adequate font size, data presentation in form of charts and graphics – all the things that make the coordination easy for the person managing the emergency action.

Supporting people responsible for the evacuation process. The operator has an insight into things such as a list of people currently at the facility and a list of people evacuated at the gathering points. From one interface, the operator manages the situation.

Electronic attendance list at the gathering points – a presentation not only of the evacuated people at the gathering points but also of the people who registered themselves at the point but weren’t registered in the area.

Electronic attendance list at the gathering points – a presentation not only of the evacuated people at the gathering points but also of the people who registered themselves at the point but weren’t registered in the area.



One of the smoke detectors at the facility was activated causing a second-degree fire alarm to turn on. After hearing the sound signaling the workers started the evacuation procedures. Unfortunately, the facility emergency team encounters a problem in the very beginning of the action – there is no access to the workers’ attendance list and the number of people supposed to be found at the gathering point can’t be established. The atmosphere of panic significantly extends the time of getting the attendance list. The emergency action is conducted in a chaotic way.

Is it possible to prevent a situation like that and conduct the emergency action in the most efficient way? Is it possible for the system to automatically download lists of people remaining in the defined access control areas after the fire alarm is triggered?






There is a fire at the big company’s facility. The evacuation procedures are being conducted. The workers go to the designated gathering points located significantly far away from each other, in certain points of the facility. The facility emergency team takes active part in the action but has no insight into the information if the course of the action is correct – they don’t know how many people are already safe and how many are still to be evacuated.

How can we check if the evacuation is conducted properly? Are we equipped with a tool that supports the emergency team? Is it possible to present the dynamically changing placement of people online?



Key functionalities of the Evacuation

Fire alarm detection – the Evacuation monitors the signals shared by the fire alarm system. Based on those signals it starts the action automatically and it is shown in the system in which area the alarm was turned on.

Automatic count of people in particular gathering points. The process is conducted by reading the access cards by designated readers mounted around the gathering points.

Evacuation list management – in case of an inability to read the card (e.g. the evacuated person doesn’t have it) the operator can manually mark the person as evacuated.

Gathering points state overview – graphic visualization (charts) and lists of people evacuated at particular gathering points – the process is dynamic giving an actual insight into the evacuation progress.

Reporting – at any moment of evacuation the operator can demand generating a downloadable report. The system also automatically generates a report in the beginning and after the evacuation is finished.

Ability to verify the gathering points in terms of permissions – the portal allows configuring dedicated gathering points available for certain groups e.g. the facility emergency team.




The evacuation is a necessary tool in any company, making the evacuation process management easy and improving the security of employees and guests.”


Joanna Kowalska
Sales Specialist






Integration with third-party systems

The Secorun Evacuation integrates itself with any fire security system by monitoring the fire alarm central console state of outputs. The process is conducted by connecting the control-metering module to certain elements of the fire security system.


Currently, Evacuation is fully integrated with other Secorun package products: